Science is mandatory for all students from Year 7 to Year 10.
Science 7-10 provides a way of inquiring about the world around us. It explores evidence and investigates ways to discover, develop and produce solutions to real-world problems. Science emphasises the skills for working scientifically, as well as critical and creative thinking to address scientific issues.
In Years 11 and 12, students can choose from different science disciplines, including:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth and Environmental Science
- Investigating Science
- Physics.
In Year 12, students who are studying at least one other science subject may also choose to study Science Extension.
An experienced and enthusiastic staff teaches science at Wallsend. As a 7-10 campus the focus of teaching is to provide a challenging and practical learning environment driven by the principles of quality teaching and a focus on life-long learning. Literacy, numeracy and technology are embedded across all years and the teaching program is fully aligned with the Science Stages 4 and 5, Years 7-10 syllabus for the Australian Curriculum (Board of Studies NSW 2012).
Laboratories are well maintained and the department is well resourced. Internet connectivity is available in each laboratory. All staff extensively uses Bring Your Own Device technology to enhance student outcomes. All laboratories have Smartboards or data projectors.
2019 Science topics - Stage 4
Year 7
Semester 1:
- 7A: I can be a Scientist
- 7B: Understanding Matter
- 7C: Classification
- 7D: Forces
Semester 2:
- 7E: Rocks
- 7F: Mixtures and Separations
- 7G: Cells
- 7H: Our Place in Space
Each topic is approx. 5 weeks in duration.
Year 8
Semester 1:
- 8A: Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
- 8B: Forces 2: Fields
- 8C: Earth’s Resources
- 8D: Sustainable Ecosystems
Semester 2:
- 8E: Chemical Reactions
- 8F: Energy
- 8G: Body Systems
- 8H: IRP
Each topic is approx. 5 weeks in duration.
Stage 5
Year 9
Semester 1:
- 9A: Chemical World: Everyday Chemicals
- 9B: Biological World: Biodiversity
- 9C: Physical World: Electricity
- 9D: Physical World: Physics of the Nucleus
Semester 2:
- 9E: Earth and Space: The Restless Earth
- 9F: Biological World: Disease
- 9G: Earth and Space: Earth’s Resources
- 9H: Science Skills
Each topic is approx. 5 weeks in duration.
Year 10
Semester 1:
- 10A: Physics of Motion
- 10B: Biotechnology and DNA
- 10C: Chemical Reactions
- 10D: Biological Evolution
Semester 2:
- 10E: EMS and Waves
- 10F: The Universe
- 10G: Physics of the Nucleus
- 10H: Science Skills
Each topic is approx. 5 weeks in duration.