About Us

College Context
Callaghan College is a multi-campus college in the urban regional location of Newcastle NSW, on the lands of the Awabakal people. Wallsend Campus (Years 7-10), Waratah Campus (Years 7-10) and Jesmond Senior Campus (Years 11-12) are united as we collaborate to empower all learners from our diverse community. Collectively, we provide the most extensive curriculum in the Hunter including a breadth of opportunities, academic, vocational and extra-curricular. Callaghan is recognised nationally for its integration of technology to support future focused learning. We create lifelong learning through leading a strong and vibrant partnership with the Callaghan Education Pathways (including 15 partner primary schools), an academic partnership with the University of Newcastle and industry partnerships with a range of innovative enterprises.
Campus Context
Callaghan College Wallsend Campus is a specialist school focusing on middle schooling practices that address the specific needs of students in Years 7 to 10. Features of the curriculum include special learning programs and an emphasis on the use of technology in learning. Assessments in all Key Learning Areas compliment the differing learning styles of students.
The campus has a very committed school community, executive, teaching and administrative staff. The school is a leader in the use of technology for learning, management and administration and has been recognised at both state and national level. The senior executive staff and teachers are highly committed to excellence in learning pedagogy to ensure students move successfully into their future career and educational pathways.
We have active partnerships with our local primary schools, our Waratah and Jesmond Campuses, the University of Newcastle and the Muloobinbah LAECG. Our campus actively collaborates to ensure the educational success of all Aboriginal students. We have a highly successful student leadership program including our Student Representative Council and Junior AECG. The campus also provides education for 7 support classes as part of the rich tapestry that makes up Callaghan College Wallsend Campus.
We have used our situational analysis and system negotiated target areas to improve reading, numeracy, attendance and wellbeing. The school's equity funding will be used to support initiatives developed in the 2021-2025 Strategic Improvement Plan in consultation with the AECG.
The Campus is committed to continually improving effective classroom practices with staff professional learning being the key to ensuring this. This learning will ensure that both literacy and numeracy levels can be enhanced through improved data collection, analysis and use which underpins our belief in individualised and differentiated learning. The involvement of the whole school community in this process be will essential for success.
There are specialist classes (by application) in Years 7 and 8 for High Potential and Gifted Education (Aspire Program) and Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA). See our Year 6 Transition page for more information.